Concentration Instruments
MVP Series
Fully Automatic Parallel Vacuum Concentrator
MVP vacuum concentrator is widely used for the preparation of environmental samples, natural products, food and agricultural product samples, and heat-sensitive products. It achieves high-throughput automatic evaporation of liquid samples through vacuum, heating, and rotation. It improves work efficiency and sample recovery, reduces human errors, and enhances the accuracy
of analysis. Special solvent recovery design makes the unit greenest and protects the laboratory environment and the operator health.

Super Batch Processing Capability
16 sample positions and being compatible
with 300ml, 50ml and other different sizes
of sample tubes.

The condensation recovery module features a dual condenser
tower design, ensuring comprehensive
environmental friendliness.

Independent Pipeline to Prevent Cross-Contamination
Each sample vessel is sealed and discharged independently
through its own pipeline, avoiding liquid transfer issues caused by
sample boiling.
Dual Recovery of Solvent Vapor and Exhaust Gas
Technical Features
Large volume and high throughput: Up to 12 samples with max. 900ml of each can be concentrated simultaneously.
High efficiency: Fully surrounded water bath heating with higher evaporation efficiency.
High solvent recovery :Solvent recovery rate of 500ml petroleum ether is more than 85%
Easy operation: Safety lock design enables fast open/close of the cover, more convenient and safer.
Avoiding cross contamination: Independent pipeline design avoids liquid transfer issues caused by sample boiling, preventing cross-contamination.

MV5 Automated Concentrator
The MV5 is a multi-channel and multi-functional parallel instrument designed by LabTech, including all accessories and functions to ensure the highest standard of efficiency, speed, reliability, throughput and safety of any concentration process. Nitrogen sweeping, automatic needle level adjustment and visible concentration processes are only a few of the advantages offered by the MV5.

Technical Features
54 sample positions able to work either individually or simultaneously
Automatic adjustment of nitrogen needle according to the sample volume reduction
Visible concentration process thanks to the front window and internal lights
Auto-locked cover during operations
Easy replacement of nitrogen needles
7” touch-screen color control panel
Low-level liquid level alarm
Intuitive software interface
MV5 Concentrator Youtube Video
Customized Racks + Tubes available
12, 24, 54 position racks
10, 20, 40, 50, 60mL Tube options
PP Centrifuge Tube options

Water heating
•Monitor concentration process through front window with internal lighting

• Nitrogen needles move along with liquid level and lift up automatically, which ensures fast and simple evaporation

Touch Screen
• 7” touch-screen control panel with real-time display
• Separate control for each channel
Nitrogen Blow-down
M10 Automated Concentrator
The new LabTech M10 automatic parallel concentration system increases the sample capacity and throughput in laboratories and maintains quality and low cost. With this system it is possible to evaporate to solid state or concentrate into a fixed end-point volume. A compact solution compared to conventional rotary evaporators, with the possibility to be used outside the fume hood thanks to the integrated vapor exhausting system.
Technical Features
Vortex nitrogen purge to achieve the highest concentration efficiency. The location and direction of nitrogen purge can be adjusted according to the concentration cup size and sample volume
Operations visible through the backlit front window. Sample cups do not need to be handled to check the residual volume
Sealed concentration chamber including a high efficient vapor exhausting system
Built-in digital nitrogen gas regulator to control the nitrogen flow and the evaporation speed
Automatic detection of the liquid endpoint
10 positions supporting 50 & 200ml concentration cups simultaneously
10 infrared sensors for single cup volume control
Possibility to place concentration cups in the liquid handler of GPC/SPE directly
Liquid bath with temperature control range from ambient to 99.9°C
Low liquid level and pressure alarms
Touch screen control interface
M10 Concentrator Interface

Increase Sample Throughput by 20%
With 2 more unit positions
M8 Concentrator Youtube Video

10-position infrared sensor for automatic endpoint detection
Each sample cup stops process independently
Endpoint detection by infrared sensor

Nitrogen Blow-down
• Separate nitrogen blowing control for each channel.
• Auto shut off by channel when process is complete
• No welds used in the nitrogen purge tubes, helps avoid corrosion

• User friendly touchscreen control interface
• Ability to independently turn on/off each channel/nozzle
• Adjust pressure, temperature and time
Endpoint detection
ET Concentrator
A Basic Solution for Any Laboratory
Technical Features
Ability to run up to 6 samples
Parallel concentration model
Ability to simultaneously or separately work with six channels
Nitrogen blowdown in combination of heating concentration mode
Dry block heating mode to avoid potential water vapor interference
PID temperature control with digital display
Possibility to choose the best position of nitrogen needle to ensure the most efficient evaporation
Dedicated nitrogen flow regulator control for each sample channel
Compatibility with collection vials of Sepaths UP
Unique “open view” to control sample volume level during the evaporation process