GPC Cleanup
AutoClean GPC Cleanup System
GPC (Gel Permeation Chromatography) cleanup has proven to be a versatile and convenient post-extraction sample cleanup technique for a wide range of sample matrices. GPC cleanup eliminates high molecular weight compounds such as lipids, pigments, proteins, and polymers from organic sample extracts prior to GC or GC/MS analysis. Failure to remove these interfering compounds can shorten column life and increase analytical downtime. The AutoClean, LabTech’s GPC system, automates the GPC cleanup process for high throughput with complete reliability in a single system.

Technical Features
Highly precise double-piston tandem pumps
Analytical type: 0.001-10.000mL/min Max. Pressure: 42MPa
Semi-preparative type: 0.01-50.00mL/min Max. pressure: 20MPa
Variable wavelength UV spectrophotometer: 190~600nm
Three-dimensional liquid processor with septum piercing capability
Highly efficient stainless steel gel permeation column
Fractionation according to time, peak, voltage, or pairwise combinations of the three
Ability to collect clean and reusable solvents

Dual plunger semi-preparative pump
Stable recovery
Produces highly reproducible flow rates
Stainless steel material

GPC Column
High cleanup efficiency
Saves time
Low mobile phase consumption
Safe and environmental friendly

Graphical software interface
Real time display of chromatograms
Data acquisition, correction, processing and data report